o = bug fix + = addition x = change 2.01.09: o Minor bug fixes. + New construct for score file. If you have an empty section, then scoring for groups matching that section will halt at that point. For example, if you want to apply some scores to binaries group, but not discussion binaries group, you can do this [binaries.*\.d$] % this section is left intentionally empty. It prevents the scores below from % being applied to binaries groups ending in .d [binaries] Score: 2000 ...... 2.01.06: o "Undo last filter" not grayed out after you undid last filter. o Menu items and buttons incorrectly grayed out after header retrieval. + Added shortcut key for "switch filter column." which previously could only be done with the mouse. + New Xnews.ini setting under [Misc]: ScoreStoredHeaders, whether to score stored headers when they're reloaded. If you turn this on, it'll slow down loading of the .hdr file a bit. You may not want old headers scored anyway. In any event, you can rescore the whole list any time manually. It's off by default. 2.01.05: R: Holy version inflation, Batman! B: It's a new year, Robin. o In the editor window, when you select a different identity from the drop down list, it still posted using (incorrectly) the previous IDToken. o Methinks I nailed down the "List index out of bound" error, or one of them anyway. o Menu items on articles window not properly updated when the app is in the background. + Added "Undo last filter" command. + Put "Expand/Collapse thread" on the keyboard shortcut dialog. + Some new Xnews.ini settings ([Misc] section) ; Automatically collapse inactive threads (keep only 1 thread expanded at a time). AutoCollapse=0 ; batch decoding handling option; 1=overwrite existing file, 2=rename if file exists DecodeOpt=2 ; attachment handling option; 1=overwrite, 2=rename AttachOpt=2 One of these days, I'll do file handling properly. This will have to do for now. x By request, changed extension score.rc.txt and plonk.rc.txt to score.ini and plonk.ini. (You need to rename these files yourself; otherwise the program won't recognize them.) x Made some changes to the way the filters are handled. Please read the section in readme.txt on filters. 1.12.30: o Fixed nasty crosspost bug in 12.29. If you d/l and used 12.29, your newsrc and data\ directory may be corrupted. Big apology. o Fixed flakiness with regex filter box in articles window. o Fixed icon corruption. D*mn the video bug. 1.12.29: o If interrupted while decoding the last part of a multipart binary, it doesn't put the file back in the queue. o Messed up display in groups window when text in Read column gets too long. o In setup, changes to ID section on Server tab not saved under certain circumstances. + Added word wrap toggle to message editing window. Note: you should normally avoid turning off word wrap, as this will generally annoy your readers. + Xnews now skips to the next file if it encounters a non-existent article (error 423 or 430) during batch decoding. + Added catchup and purge (same as mark all delete then catchup) + After threading, articles in same thread as one or more kept articles are also marked with the kept score. x The Mark all as ... commands are now much faster. x In the outbox, if you've queued some messages, when you click send, the program will ask whether you want to send just the ones in the queue or all messages in view. Note: if you want to send all messages in the outbox, be sure to remove any filter you currently have. x In articles window, when you clear the text in the filter box, it no longer automatically threads. (I find this annoying as the threading takes a long time if you have lots of articles.) It will thread when you press Enter. x pressing "goto next score" now jumps to 9999 score first, then > 0 score. Hint: if you want to view an unthreaded list of headers, type in ".?" without quotes in the filter box. This matches all subjects, including blank subjects. If you then sort by No, this gives you more or less the raw list of headers as it was read from the server. Hint: Xnews has no "watch thread" feature, but you can fake it by retrieving the top article in the thread (use reconstruct thread if necessary) then keep it. 1.12.19: o Deleled articles showing up again. o Kept threads not shown as kept after rethreading. + Select all/Invert selection in articles window. + Invert filter (show everything not shown and hide everything shown). I find it quite useful. 1.12.18: o "Window" menu disappears after opening a dialog. o ctrl+click toggle on but doesn't toggle off selection in articles listing. o display artifact in articles list. o autobrowse activating even when not using a cursor key. + Save position of split window. Note: because it only saves the ratio of list height to window height and not the absolute position, the restored window may be a pixel line off due to rounding error. Don't get too bend out of shape over it :) + Mark all delete/undelete in articles window. When storage is on, deleting an article basically "expires" it immediately. If storage is off, deleting basically is the same as mark read. The difference is if you later turn on storage, the deleted headers won't be saved. Note: in folders, "mark all delete" is NOT the same as "purge folder", since the latter physically empties the file and cannot be undone with "mark all undelete". x if you close the window while in article viewer and full screen mode, either by Esc or ctrl+F4 or X button, it switches back to the list. This helps people who are used to the way NewsXpress works. 1.12.15: o Stop button sometimes grayed out even though there's an active connection. o 1st cached article doesn't have the yellow icon. o (Partial fix) a multi-part binary with only one part available shows up as a regular article instead of an incomplete binary. + A new and improved Perl-like regex library. Expanded syntax, and faster too. Be sure to unzip the file perlre.dll. See the Regular expression section in readme.txt for details. + Put back scoring filter under view menu. + Toggle high/zero score shortcut. If score>0, set to 0; otherwise, set to 9999. You can do the same by left clicking on score column. + You can now assign to the Scroll Lock key. (Is that thing ever used or anything?) + By request: a feature that automatically switches to the list when you are at the last article of a thread and press Next or Next unread. This applies to full screen view only. To turn on this feature, add SwitchViewAtThreadEnd=1 to [Display] in Xnews.ini. + Icon on toolbar showing current storage status. Click to change. x Terminology change: caching is now storage. Not sure if it's clearer, but there it is. x Right (instead of left) click on score column to bring up score filter popup menu. x Got rid of the gray icons that show when mouse is not over the button. I'm sure someone will complain, but the deed is done. See what you have to put up with when you're not a paying customer? :) 1.12.10: o Catchup in groups window adversely affects kept articles. o Get message count incorrectly calculates unread when read count has duplicate entries. o a.v. when closing groups window while it's getting message count. o you can now assign shortcut to keys on the numeric keypads (num 0..9, - + * /). For the 0..9 and del keys, you must have numlock on, however. Otherwise they'll be treated as cursor keys. o if you mark an article as hi score (9999), then mark it keep, then mark unkeep, the score is incorrectly reset to 0 instead of 9999. + added expand/collapse all threads to keyboard mapping dialog. + clicking on the Score column in the articles list will bring up a menu that lets you do a quick score filter. This replaces the previous "Show only high score" command. (I know someone will complain that there is no keyboard shortcut, but it won't kill you to use the mouse once in a while :) + added AutoBrowse. This feature automatically opens an article when you move the highlight (selection) bar over it in the listing, provided the article is in the cache (or folder). Autobrowse has no effect unless you are in split screen mode. You can turn Autobrowse on and off manually at any time (under View menu). In adition, you can control when it should be on by default. Set AutoBrowseOpt in Xnews.ini under [Misc] section as follows: 0 = never; 1 = when viewing folder or caching of article body is on; 2 = always. + use a yellow icon for articles that have been cached. In folders, all articles are cached so there is no point in differentiating; hence, I just use the regular icon. x when you collapse a thread, it now shows the author of the 1st article in the thread. 1.12.08: o List of opened windows under window menu disappearing. o No more quotes around name in From: header. Not exactly a violation of the standard, but not a good idea nevertheless. o If you switch identity in the message editor, it did not storee the correct identity when saving mesdsage to outbox. + Added command to switch between article viewer / list. You can assign a shortcut to it, of course. Clicking on the second panel does the same thing. + Added delete and undelete to keyboard mapping dialog. + Added option to automatically assign a score to kept articles, so the next time you open the group, kept articles will stand out. You can change this in SetUp | Misc. Set to zero if you don't like this option. x Click on progress bar (gauge) to see queue progress.